Friday, August 31, 2007

Sam V.S. the Vacuum Cleaner

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been updating so much but its rather hectic here and I can't really find the time. For that I apologize but i hope everyone enjoys this blog especially because there's a video involved :D

Sam giving me a kissy :)

Here's Sam really pooped after playing with his toys all day

Here's Sam again all pooped sleeping on my bed

And finally here's Sam with my dad relaxing after work haha

I hope everyone enjoyed this particular update! also I promise to update more frequently once things calm down here. BYEEEEEEEE ERRRBUDDYY! :D


Zinger said...

VERY COOL - he looks like he's having a blast. glad you guys are loving him! he's one spoiled lucky doggie!

Katie said...

Wow, Sam is BRAVE! Puddy would have run away as soon as you got the vacuum out of storage! :D

A Room to Grow said...

great to see how much love he has at his new home! Loved the vacuum cleaner video!

tricia & thani